
Sunday 21 August 2016

explicaçâo WILL e WONT

.Nós normalmente usamos WILL para falar sobre o futuro. É sempre combinado com outro verbo
Since WILL is classified as a modal verb (like can, would, could, should) it has the same characteristics:
  1. It does not change in the third person (i.e. he, she, it)
  2. It is always combined with another verb in the base form (i.e. without 'to')
  3. We don't use it with 'Do OR Does' in questions or negatives.

MODAL plus verb
  • I will play -   eu jogarei
  • I will visit -  eu visitarei
  • He will cook - ela vai cozinhar
  • She will clean  - ela vai limpar
  • He will pay  - ele vai pagar
  • He will confess - ele vai confessar
  • it will drink ( it! e usada para objetos , animais e coisas) ele vai beber
  • It will function - ele vai funcionar bem
  • We will come - viremos
  • We will stay - nós vamos ficar
  • They will read - eles vão ler
  • They will travel - eles vão viajar

Examples of Will: 
  • will go to the cinema tonight. \ Eu vou ao cinema
  • He will play soccer tomorrow. \ eu vou jogar futebol amanhã
  • She will be happy with her mother`s recovery .\ela vai ser feliz, com a recuperação de sua mãe
  • They will take the bus to the east this week\.eles vão tomar um vôos para o leste esta semana

When to use WILL

Usamos WILL nas seguintes circunstâncias:
1. Para as coisas que decidimos fazer agora. (decisões rápidas)
Isto é quando você tomar uma decisão naquele momento, de uma forma espontânea.
  • I'll call a  doctor  calm down.
  • I think we'll go right now. (I just decided this right now)
  • Which one? Um, I will have the beef sandwich please.
2.Quando pensamos ou acreditar em algo sobre o futuro. (Predição)
Isto pode ser baseada no julgamento pessoal ou opinião.
  • The President will not be re-elected at the next election.
  • I think it will  not rain later so drop this umbrella with you.
  • I think you will find the movie interesting.
Observe como você costuma usar "Eu acho ..." antes de subject + will.
3.Para fazer uma oferta, uma promessa ou uma ameaça.
  • You look tired. I'll finish the washing for you.
  • will do my best to talk to him.
  • If you say anything I will deal with  you!
  • will have it ready by next week.
  • I'll drive you to the hospital if you want.
  • Don't worry, I won't tell your parents. (won't = will not)
4. Para um hábito que é um comportamento previsível
  • My son will fall asleep as soon as she finishes eating.
  • He will give up if he starts losing. He always does that.
5. Você usa WON`T  Quando alguém se recusa a fazer algo
  • I told him to clean his SHOES but he won't do it.
  • MY MOTHER won't listen to anything I say.

Negative Sentences with WILL

In the negative, we add NOT to the end of WILL and not to the main verb. (= will not)
  • will not be in the CINEMA tomorrow. (correct)
    will be not in the CINEMA tomorrow. (Incorrect)
  • They will not stay here. (correct)
    They will stay not here. (Incorrect)


It is possible to use contractions in both positive and negative sentences.
With positive contractions WILL becomes 'LL and is joined to the subject:
I willI'll
You willyou'll
He willhe'll
She willshe'll
It willit'll
We willwe'll
You willyou'll
They willthey'll

With negative contractions, will not becomes won't:
I will notI won't
You will notyou won't
He will nothe won't
She will notshe won't
It will notit won't
We will notwe won't
You will notyou won't
They will notthey won't


To form a question using WILL, we reverse the order of the subject and WILL:
AffirmativeHewillbehere tomorrow.
QuestionWillhebehere tomorrow?

Will they win the cup?
- Yes, they will.
- No, they won't.
Will you tell him ?
- Yes, I will.
- No, I won't.
Will she get angry?
- Yes, she will.
- No, she won't.

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